Search Course is a Moodle block designed to facilitate user access to assigned courses.
The following are the steps to follow for the configuration of the Course Search block:
1. Initially in the personal area (my) click on Site administration / Default Dashboard page, to add the block so that it can be viewed by all users.
2. Click on Activate block editing to add the Course Search Block.
3. Click on Add a block and select from the Search course drop-down list.
4. The block has been added to the sidebar and then click on the sprocket / Configure Course Finder block.
5. A form opens to configure the parameters of the Search course, when you finish editing click on Save Changes.
The module has the following parameterizable elements:
Block title: this is the title that will be visible in the Search course block.
Display on page types: allows you to display the module anywhere on the site or on any page of the course.
Default region: allows you to define one or more named block regions where the blocks can be displayed. Define in which of these you want this block to appear by default.
Default weight: allows you to choose approximately where you want the block to appear in the selected region, first, second or bottom.
Visible: allows you to display or hide this block on this page.
Region: allows you to define one or more named block regions where the blocks can be displayed.
Weight: allows you to choose approximately where you want the block to appear in the selected region, first, second or bottom.
6. Go to Site Administration / Plugins / Plugins overview to add extra settings to the block..
7. Search for the block_search_course and enter the settings
8. Enables only the search for courses in which the user is currently enrolled.
9. Enables only the search for courses that are automatic enrollment
10. You can now view the Search course block that has been created with the configuration information.
11. Click on Reset Dashboard for all users to apply all the changes made to the block for all users.